Working from Home During COVID-19

Working from Home During COVID-19 Working from home may not be a stretch for many real estate agents, but due to COVID-19 Social Distancing Guidelines, it's important for everyone to bend their normal routines a bit and bring work home. Here are some productivity tips for successfully doing so. Stick...

Why Beken School of Real Estate?

Why Beken School Of Real Estate Inc? [playlist type="video" ids="8088"] So you finally decided: You want to be a real estate agent? But what's the next step?  Getting a license, of course. And we biasedly believe you should let Beken School of Real Estate guide you. For courses in classrooms,...

Real Estate License Prerequisites


What are the steps and requirements needed before obtaining your real estate license? First, you must be 18 years old and have a high school diploma or equivalent. Second, complete and satisfy the Sales Associate Pre-Licensing Course as required by the Florida Real Estate Commission. (Beken School Of Real Estate...

End of Course Exam

What's involved with the End of Course Exam for the Sales Associate Pre-Licensing course? The exam consists of 100 multiple choice questions and you will have three hours to complete it. A score of 70% or higher is needed to pass, meaning you have to correctly answer 70 questions. With...